Thursday, May 2, 2013

First Spring Adventure

It is time for adventures.  It has been a ROUGH year for the Carter fmaily, but now that our family is complete, and the sun is out I am aiming to have at least one outside adventure with the kids a week.  Today was the first.  We took baby steps and just walked in neighborhood alleys.  The plants were common spring lawn plants but still beautiful and I am sure Lucy stopped at every patch of violets she saw.  Sam went into every neighbors lawn that had a swing, or a bike, or something to climb on.  For the first time in a long time the family smiled, took it easy, had not where in particular to go, and spent time together.


The sun is good.

Togetherness is warm.


It's finally Spring It's finally Spring It's finally Spring

1 comment:

  1. Well this post is very cute and special :)

    Spring is really special for the people in your country. I imagine myself already what it feels like to have spring. hehehhe

    abbyaguas on ☆ Follow Me On Blogger ☆
